Friday, December 4, 2009

time takes time takes time...

DAY 4:

SO.  I totally skipped yesterday.  This week has not been as productive as I would have liked it to be, though I'm proud of myself for eating healthy foods all week.  I just haven't been working out.  I worked out once this week.  ONCE.  That's less than I was working out last week (three times), and my goal is to work out everyday during the week.  Maybe I'll have to narrow this down to five days a week...I'm thinking it might just not be realistic.  It's just been such a stressful insane week with exams and papers that I couldn't drag myself to the gym.  I've been either in tears or asleep when I haven't been studying.  :(  

I have stayed off sweets, and have been eating all healthy carbs.  My portion control has been pretty good.  I've made sure to eat some veggies everyday.  Beverages:  all diet sodas, half glasses of juice, and water.  I have tried not to eat before bed, but when I do, I make it something healthy (celery sticks, peanut butter, etc).  Today I plan on (actually) going grocery shopping, and setting up my pull-up bar at the house.  

Other things of note:  I was a bad student this week, but next week I will go to all classes.  Only two (ish) more weeks of classes, and then I can kiss this semester goodbye.  I still haven't incorporated devotional/quiet time into my schedule yet, but I'll try and work a little bit on that next week.

In other news, does anyone know what the difference between treadmill running and outdoor running is?  I hear that treadmill running is cheating.  Is that true?  ALSO:  does anyone know of a good thai boxing or karate class in the area?  I'm thinking about trying to start a class over break...possibly the thai boxing class in Dorchester.  

I'm proud of Chris for losing his 4 pounds this week!  Congrats on the weigh in, buddy.  Maybe I will do one on Sunday and see if anything has changed yet.  

I'm trying trying trying to stay positive.  Slow change is ok.  Kat was right; I am too hard on myself sometimes, and try to change too quickly.  It'll be ok.


from the bottom of my heart,



  1. sometimes it works better if you focus on just one thing to change... like eating healthy...revamping the whole schtick all at once can lead to giving up, sweets, and we don't want that. <3 don't get yourself down about the gymmin'.

  2. @Chris...this past week I was mostly focusing on a good diet. Now that I have a good week in, I will start to add more in.

    @Beth...don't get too down on yourself, you're doing great, and remember this is a really busy time of year to start this, so keep your goals realistic. In terms of treadmill versus road running, my understanding is that it's sorta like free-weights versus equipment. Treadmill is gonna be very good for me on those really cold snowy days...but, it's not going to really prepare me my half. Treadmill is also safer, less likely to injure yourself or get hit by a car! :O

  3. Chris,

    thanks for the encouragement. seriously, it's so nice to come back to my blog and get comments like these.

    I've been doing treadmill stuff, and it's good. the most I can seem to muster without stopping is a mile, though. hopefully that will change. in terms of the over-zealous thing, I think it's good for me to learn what my limits are and try and take care of myself accordingly.



    oh, and I will try not to get hit by a car.

  4. try this: toggle the "sprint" or whatever it is key... the one that lets you set two speeds?

    i run 5 minutes, then walk 1 minute, then run 5, walk one. usually for 30 minutes.. but it doesn't seem like it because it's intermittent.
