Monday, February 8, 2010

two miles two miles two miles.

Today was refreshing. I made a goal, and I stuck to it even though every fiber of my being was telling me to stay in bed the entire day. I slept until probably noon (because Mondays and Wednesdays are set up for me to do that), and got a phone call from Jess telling me that I should get my butt out of bed and enjoy the day. It was pretty beautiful out, after all. I made myself tomato soup and a sandwich and watched a bit of tv, then showered and rushed my butt out of the house to get on the road for class.

I saw Rose P. at school which was cool, had a little chat with her, grabbed a cup of coffee and went to Chorus. After Chorus I had promised myself I'd go to the gym and run two miles straight, and I did. For the first time in AWHILE I made it to two. I was so proud of myself, and so sweaty, and it was so nice. It made the week behind me disappear. The entire time I was running, I kept thinking "This feels so good, if only I could do this everyday..." I bet I could. It's one of those mind over matter things. I'm going to go day by day though, instead of just saying YES I'M GOING TO DO THAT EVERYDAY. We all know how my over-zealous nature gets in the way sometimes. So tomorrow I'm challenging myself to make it to the gym early and take that run before class. It's going to be a big big challenge. I'll keep it at two miles. That was hard enough. :)

Tomorrow is going to be a bit rough because it's a busy day: class from 9:30-3:15, then a gig in CT. Gotta knuckle down and just do it though. That's what Jess was saying to me: I should motivate myself with something special I can do in the morning, then JUST DO THE HARD STUFF.

I think this running thing is a really great outlet for all that emotional energy I have. It's gotta go somewhere, right? I've got to pour it out.


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