Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I looked up to see integrity finally won over desire.

Hey doods,

this week has been fairly successful so far, especially in the school department. I'm hoping to make the dean's list (never done it before). Last semester was a royal failure (literally), so I want to try and bring my GPA back up and do amazingly well. So far so good. It's only been two days though. :) A good start is important!

In terms of food/work-out routine, here we go: worked out yesterday. Total Body Conditioning class, which was very cool! I may do it again tomorrow. I sweat a lot, and I definitely feel it. Also, I read a bunch of Jillian's book, and learned that I'm a fast oxidizer. This means I should generally try and stay away from carbs (like bread, rice, pasta, etc) and eat tons of protein. Good proteins to eat are chicken (not fried or doused in anything), roast beef, fish (salmon). Not really deli meat. (That surprised me). Also veggies are good. I had pb toast (1 slice) for breakfast both yesterday and today, and that seemed to be a great start to my day! for lunch, something light-ish. Today I had roast beef on wheat, non-fat yogurt (key lime, mmn), and a little tupperware container of soy-crisps. One thing I'm going to have to get used to is not drinking so much caffeine (diet coke will have to be caffeine free). Also, slowly phasing out carbs is going to be interesting. Tonight I'm making Chicken cooked in basil and light olivio, green beans, and rice pilaf. I'm skipping the gym today because I've been crazy all day long. In other news, I'm going to try and up my gym trips to 4 times a week. I will be proud if I do that.

Life is good. I'm feeling good.


Love the love the love love love.


1 comment:

  1. wowza. deans list? no carbs? no diet pepsi? you are INTENSE!
    i like your ambition.
    i would say just be careful you're not setting yourself up for failure by being too ambitious in all areas all at once...you know the drill.
    i know you can do it :)
    but seriously. if you do not get an "A" in chorus, i will be concerned.
    love love love
