Friday, December 18, 2009

oh dear.

DAY 15:

So. How do I feel about this week? Well, I lied about taking it more seriously...we might as well call this "Beth's Gain 10 Pounds and Pull Out Her Hair From Stress During Finals While the Whole World Watches Project". :)

Maybe I need to do more, talk less? Anyway, I'm not even going to weigh in this week because I know what the scale will say, and it will make me sad. But--I'm not giving up. I'm hoping I can chalk up my non-committal attitude to the fact that school has been so awful...I've just been back and forth, back and forth. Work out three days in a row, and then go on an eating binge. This morning I did the most awful thing: I WENT TO IHOP. There, I said it. I finished my second final and went to IHOP and stuffed my face.

Gotta get through this, gotta power through until I commit.

Sorry folks. I feel like a disappointment.




  1. I don't think this is cause for disappointment at all.

    I think it's cause for celebration. Why? Because before your started this project. You'd probably just accept the fact that you'd binge because of stress and just accept it as the way it is. Now, you KNOW that stress is a cause of your finding comfort in food. Knowing is half that battle. I think you're doing great.

    Keep it up!

  2. you're right. I need to get to the other half eventually, though! :) I think I've realized that my weight could go one of a few different ways over the next couple of years...and I'd like it to go the healthy way.
