Saturday, December 19, 2009

do you want to know if everything glittering turns into the gold?

DAY 14:

today has been nice. I've been fairly good: subway whole wheat sandwich for lunch, baked lays, and diet soda...then a snack of cinnamon toast this afternoon (on whole wheat).

ALSO! I put a downpayment on this little guy this afternoon:

I'm super excited to pick him up after Christmas, just in time for my January gigs. I've been shopping for straps, excited.

tonight I'm going to a Christmas party...and then probably just chillin for a bit and getting some sleep. I can't believe Christmas is less than a week away. It's going to be great.




  1. Wow, Beth, congratulations! What a sweet little instrument, and such a nice Christmas present to yourself! --- Andy

  2. I know! He is a cute little baby. I can't wait.
