Monday, January 10, 2011

where you invest your love is where you invest your life.

so here I am. two weeks graduated, and lying in bed with a 1/2 pint of b+j's fro yo. ;) Linds and I went on our epic NYC adventure this weekend, and it was pretty great. however, now I am completely and totally exhausted. I got done with work this morning and I came home and totally collapsed for three good hours. what did we see? haha...short answer, not much. visiting NYC for a weekend is like trying to fit disney world into a day. we stayed in brooklyn with a friend who was gracious enough to host us free of charge...then we explored manhattan and the west village. we took in a show, had a DELICIOUS dinner on saturday night at 10 PM (lolz), met a celebrity (freakin' Jonathan from Buffy was sitting at the wine bar where we attempted to eat dinner), and did some serious shopping. I bought myself a new pair of chucks, some sweet skinny jeans, and a couple of sale shirts at the gap. oh--and a new wallet. hehe.

so now that I'm coming down off of the high that has been the last month, I'm trying to be realistic, which can be disheartening at times. driving home from work was definitely my low today...just the feeling of "omg I'm never going to find a job" was overwhelming. that's totally not true, of course...but it's hard to remember that. update: I got an e-mail from Luis, the man who interviewed me at Children's Hospital. he said to contact HR. not positive if that's good or bad, but I'm leaning towards bad since they hadn't gotten back to me sooner. I have an interview for a nanny position on Wednesday. that could be potentially sweet. good salary, good benefits. we'll see. in the meantime I'm applying for everything I can at Children's (and other places), and hoping I can survive through the month without being severely broke.

I just have to remember that there are people I love who have been looking for jobs for months and still haven't been successful BUT they are still surviving. so I can surely do the same.

New Years Resolutions:

1. make a record. Not just any record, but one that I'm proud of. A record that I hand out to all of my friends and acquaintances with pride.

2. lose another 15-30 pounds. feel good about my body. build muscle, run that half marathon and make it through the thirteen miles (it's in six weeks, gulp).

3. find a job and love it.

4. be proud of myself. not just for my accomplishments, but for my "cor" (heart, courage, in latin). finally get that tattoo.

that's it! I think it's doable. here we go, 2011.

love yourself and love others,


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