Friday, April 23, 2010


Hey all,

this has been a stressful week. For the most part I stayed away from my temptations, kept to the program...but I've definitely had better weeks. It's not over yet. In my discouragement over my strike last night (curly fries and bailey's at sub rosa), I went back on my facebook page and read the blog that my friend Rachel Kelly left for me. It helped. This woman really has some hard-core wisdom to share, so read if you get a chance...especially if you're going through a similar struggle in your weight:

This excerpt in particular really hit me. The first part is from a book called "Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life". The rest is her writing:

"'As you begin to look deeply into the roots of your weight problem, take care not to be harsh on yourself. The 'judge' inside your head often makes you feel abad about all the 'shoulds' — you should not have eaten that cheesecake, you should have spent more time at the gym. You may also be daunted by your past failures and struggles with weight. It is time to stop blaming yourself for these failures. Perhaps you were following the wrong advice. Perhaps you were able to lose some weight initially on one diet or another, but the diets were too restrictive, your cravings took hold, and you eventually gave up and gained the weight back. You are not separate from your family and environment. In the past you did not have enough of the right conditions supporting you to maintain a healthy weight.'

I'm not going to say no to the self I am, or wish to remove parts of myself, or aim for some artificial goal. I haven't weighed myself once in the last month. I'm not interested in the numbers.

I know I am on the right path by the way my clothes fit, by what other people say, by how my body feels. This isn't about a goal for me, the endpoint when I can finally relax and say now I'm good enough. I'm here. Now."

--Shauna James Ahern, "Gluten-Free Girl and The Chef"

This part really hit me hard. On this journey, I've blamed myself so much for some of the weight gain. At times, I feel like that blame has helped me to push harder, but I also need to acknowledge that it's not all my fault I went through some hard times, and food was my coping mechanism. I come from a background where that is acceptable. I'd like that to change, but I don't need to continuously beat myself up when the scale doesn't say what I want it to say.

I need to be real with myself. Shauna said something about "the thirst for the genuine", originally phrased by Mark Doty. I feel that thirst. It's why I started this blog to begin with. I felt this pull in December to be real. When I wasn't making strides to be healthier, I was consuming all of this fake food. I was constantly eating out, and when I didn't eat out I made myself a can of spaghetti-o's or some kind of processed food that didn't take time. I became tired of living fake.

Slip-ups are inevitable. I just need to remember the real every time that I reach for something fried, processed, or sweet.

So, keep being thirsty for the genuine, guys.


Monday, April 19, 2010

6.5 down!

Hey all,

I kept with the program this week, and lost another pound and a half. Of course, this may fluctuate over the next week because I think I will be on the rag shortly. :) Oh joy. I was around a lot of fattening foods this weekend (and a lot of people eating them), but I said no every time! I'm very proud of myself. This week I want to hit the gym a lot more, and stick with my food log/points.

Cool link:

If a 71 year old woman can run a marathon, so can I some day. Damn. And first in her age group! How does that even happen? It puts things in perspective...

In other news, support my musical cause!

Signing off for now. Keep on going to bed hungry, kids.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Five pounds down, 20 to go...

Hey all!

I know I haven't written in a bit. I've been busy figuring all of this out. So about two weeks ago I had a pretty intense personal training session. I realized I needed to stop making excuses for myself and knuckle down, just be ok with this (ani lmao). So after a few awful tears with Lindsey and Beth (my trainer), I told myself I'd be serious and get something accomplished. Two weeks went by, and I was super serious about my food log. I hit the gym five times each week. I lost five pounds in two weeks! I was clearly cheating myself this whole time.

WORD TO THE WISE: Don't cheat yourself. Don't make excuses. It only makes you cry like a silly little fool in front of your buddies. :) Don't waste your time skirting around the thing you KNOW YOU HAVE TO DO. Just do it, because you'll feel so much better when it's done! Hopefully I will continue to lose about two pounds a week (if I'm lucky), and by the end of the summer I'll be a lean mean fighting machine. So after Sunday, I hunkered down with my food log again. I'm keeping at it. The funny thing is that I don't want to go back to eating crap. Binge eating isn't even appetizing to me, because the feeling of losing that five pounds was SO GOOD. Even if I get on the scale on Sunday and find that nothing has changed, I want to keep working at it, because I know it eventually will.

I've been grocery shopping like a maniac. Things I've discovered that have been helpful: organic juice boxes (low sugar low cal and super tasty, can be found in shaw's organic aisle), lots of fruit (grapefruit especially). Measuring cups are helpful for portion control! 1 cup of pasta ONLY. I like to make 1 cup of whole wheat rotini with some zucchini, squash, tomato, and onion. Then I sprinkle different spices on it and go to town. ALSO: I've been trying to drink more water, and I discovered a diet soda by Hansen (organic) that has no sugar, no calories, and no caffeine! :) SUN CHIPS are can have 16 of them at only 140 calories. Low carb snacks are the best way to go. Granola bars are tricky. I've been trying to limit my intake, because they are high in sugar and carbs.



That's it for now doods.

Go to bed hungry, my little bunnies--
